A10_LogoThe goal of load balancing is no longer just spreading load over multiple servers.

Today we talk about

Application Availability – ensuring that application servers and networks are reliably accessible regardless of user, device type, location or connectivity; shielding network resources from volumetric resource attacks intended to deny service; and bridging the accessibility gap so that legacy services using IPv4 address space can be accessible to devices using the new IPv6 standard, and vice versa.

Application Acceleration – improving website and application performance with extremely high-performance application-aware load balancing, including server offload functions like content caching, connection multiplexing, compression, and SSL (encryption) offload, delivered at massive scale up to 1 Tbps with a chassis system.

Application Security – delivering a range of security features that decrypt, authenticate and inspect application flows, and then detect and mitigate the growing array of sophisticated cyber security attacks that threaten availability of the largest websites and networks around the world.

These target can easily be achieved with Application Delivery Controllers from A10 Networks.

We are A10 certified partner.